Preferred Names Servers

This section contains information describing how to use the Oracle Net8 Assistant to specify the location of Preferred Names Servers. A Preferred Names Server is a Names Server that is preferred by a client for names resolution. It is normally the Names Server that is physically closest to the client, or available over the least expensive network link.

If you are using Oracle Names, you can specify the name and address of Preferred Names Servers to take precedence over any other available Names Server address. Net8 will route connect requests to each Preferred Names Server until a response is received.

Note: If you do not receive a response from a Preferred Names Server, Net8 will then attempt to contact Names Servers previously found through a discovery process and listed in a Names Server List.

Specifying Preferred Names Servers

To specify Preferred Names Servers:

  1. Select Preferred Names Servers from the Profile pull down menu.

  2. Select a networking protocol from the Protocol pull down menu.

  3. Enter values for any protocol specific parameters.

To create additional Preferred Names Server addresses, click on the "New" button on the bottom of the Address tab panel.

To delete a Names Server address, click on the "Delete" button.

Note: Preferred Names Servers override any Names Servers found in the discovery process. Once you have initially discovered a Names Server and generated a Names Server list file, you may want to delete Preferred Names Servers.

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