Database Services

A listener may listen for any number of database services. To configure a listener to handle requests for database services, you will need to provide information that the listener needs to identify and then start those services. You do this by specifying the following:

You may also optionally configure:

Global Database Name

The global database name is the name and domain name of the database as given in the database initialization parameter file. If you want to refer to the database by its global database name on the network, then you must specify that global database name to the listener. Specify the global database name by entering any valid name in the Global Database Name field.

Oracle Home Directory

The Oracle Home Directory field identifies the Oracle Home location of the database that you are specifying. Its value is operating system specific. Specify the Oracle Home Directory by entering any valid Oracle Home directory name in the Oracle Home Directory field.


The SID or system identifier is the Oracle system ID for the database server. Specify the SID by entering its name in the SID field.

Prespawned Dedicated Servers

Prespawned dedicated servers allow you io improve the time it takes to establish a connection to a server where the multi-threaded server is not in use or is not supported on a given machine. They also allow for better use of allocated memory and system resources by recycling server processes.

To specify the use of prespawned dedicated servers, click on the radio button Use Prespawned Dedicated Servers. To view or alter the default characteristics of prespawned servers, click on the Configuring Prespawned Servers button.

Oracle Net8 Assistant HELP
The option to use prespawned dedicated servers is not available on all platforms, for example, Windows NT.

Add Database

To add the database service that you have just configured, click on the Add Database tab on the bottom of the tab panel.

Remove Database

To remove the database service that you have just configured, click on the Remove Database tab on the bottom of the tab panel.

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