Using Listeners
A listener is a process that is setup specifically to receive and respond to client connection requests to a database or other service.
Double-click on the Listeners folder to display individual listeners already configured on the network. Each listener is identified by a listener icon and the name of the listener.
If there are no listeners currently configured on the network, you can add a listener by pressing on the + button, or by selecting Create from the Edit menu. A dialog box will then appear requesting that you name the listener. For more information on naming the listener, click on "Naming a Listener".
Click on any individual listener icon to display configurable parameters on the right hand side screen. Use the pull down menu to select additional listener features which may be configured.
Click on any one of the following to learn more about:
General Parameters
Use the General Parameters pull down option to display tab panels from which you may configure general, logging and tracing as well as authentication parameters for the listener. For more information about these options, click on one of the following:
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Listening Locations
Listeners are configured to listen for incoming connection requests for a database or other service on a specific network address. Use the Listening Locations pull down option to configure one or more listening location addresses on which a listener will wait for client connections.
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Database Services
A listener handles requests primarily for database services. Use the Database Services pull down option to specify databases serviced by a listener.
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Other Services
A listener may also handle a request for a non-database service. Use the Other Services pull down option to specify other services serviced by a listener. For more information, click on "Other Services"
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