General Parameters

General parameters that you may configure on a listener include the following:

Startup Wait Time

The startup wait time indicates the number of seconds that the listener will sleep before responding to a STATUS command issued by the Listener Control Utility (LSNRCTL). If you wish to configure a specific time to wait, enter a time value in seconds in the Startup Wait Time field. By default, the listener will not wait.

Connect Timeout

The connect timeout is the time that a listener will wait for a valid database query once the session has started. If you wish to enter a timeout, enter a time value in seconds in the Connect Timeout field. By default, the listener will wait 10 seconds before timing out.


Click on the Save Configurations on Shutdown radio button to make permanent any changes made by the Listener Control Utility SET command.

If you are using Oracle Names to resolve service names, you will need to click on the Register Services with Oracle Names radio button to instruct the listener to register its services with an Oracle Names Server.

SNMP Contact Information

Enter any text in the SNMP Contact Information field to specify that information be written to the snmp.ora file.

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