Advanced Options

This section contains information describing how to use the Oracle Net8 Assistant to configure advanced Names Servers tuning options.

Click on any one of the following to learn more about:

Cache Checkpoint File

Enter any valid filename to specify the name of the operating system file to which the Names Server writes its foreign data cache. The filename is set by default to "ckpcch.ora."

Config Checkpoint File

Enter any valid filename to specify the name of the file used to checkpoint configuration settings. The filename is set by default to "ckpcfg.ora."

Region Checkpoint File

Enter any valid filename to specify the name of the file used to checkpoint domain data (all the database addresses in the region).

Log Directory

Enter any valid directory name to indicate the name of the directory where the log file for Names Server operational events are written. The directory name will default to an operating-system specific directory name.

Trace Directory

Enter any valid directory name to indicate where trace files from a Names Server trace session will be written. The directory name will default to an operating-system specific directory name.

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Miscellaneous Tuning Options

To specify miscellaneous tuning options:

  1. Click on the Miscellaneous button at the bottom of the right hand side screen.

  2. Click OK to apply changes made to any miscellaneous tuning options; Click Cancel to delete changes and restore default settings.

  3. Select Save Network Configuration from the FILE menu to save your changes.

  4. Select Revert to Saved Configuration from the FILE menu to delete changes and to restore default settings.

Max Open Connections

Enter a number between 2 and 64 to specify the number of connections that the Names Server can have open at any given time. The value is generated as the value 10 or the sum of one connection for listening, five for clients, plus one for each foreign domain defined in the local administrative region, whichever is greater. Any operation which requires the server to open a network connection will use an already open connection if it is available, or will open a connection if not. Higher settings will save time and cost network resources; lower settings save network resources, cost time. The default value is calculated based on previously entered data.

Message Pool Start Size

Enter a number between 3-256 to specify the initial number of messages allocated in the server's message pool which are used for incoming or outgoing forwarded messages. The default value is set to 10.

Auto Refresh Expiration

Enter a time value between 60 and 1209600 seconds to specify the amount of time (in seconds) that the server will cache the addresses of Names Servers in other regions (for example, the root region) which have been obtained through a 'names hint'. When this time expires the Names Server will issue another query to other Names Servers in those regions to refresh the data.

Auto Refresh Retry

Enter a time value between 60 and 3600 seconds to specify the interval (in seconds) at which the Names Server will retry a refresh query if it initially fails.

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