Service Names

This section contains information describing how to use the Oracle Net8 Assistant to query or update service names in a Names Server. You can add or remove one service name reference at a time.

Click on any one of the following to learn more about:


To query an existing service name in a Names Server:

  1. Specify a Service Name in the Service Name field provided.

  2. Click on the Query button in the Action panel.

  3. Click on the Execute button.

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To add a service name to a Names Server:

  1. Click on the Add button in the Action panel.

  2. Enter any valid service name in the Service Name field provided

  3. Enter the address(es) information in the Address fields provided.

  4. Enter the system identifier or unique name of the database instance in the SID field provided.

  5. Enter the type of server in the Server Information field provided.

  6. Click on the Execute button. The service name will appear in the Addresses text area at the bottom of the right hand side screen.

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To remove a service name from a Names Server:

  1. Click on a service name in the Addresses text area at the bottom of the right hand side screen.

  2. Click on the Remove button in the Action panel.

  3. Click on the Execute button.

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If you have service names already configured in a local names configuration file, you may load that file into a Names Server. You may use the Oracle Net8 Assistant to configure service names. For more information on configuring a local names file, click on "Using Service Names".

To load service names from a local names (TNSNAMES.ORA) configuration file:

  1. Click on the Load button in the Action panel. The Load Service Names from TNSNAMES.ORA dialog box will appear.

  2. Enter or browse for a local names (TNSNAMES.ORA) configuration file.

  3. Click on the Execute button. The service name will appear in the Addresses text area at the bottom of the right hand side screen.

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Oracle Net8 Assistant HELP