This section contains information describing how to use the Oracle Net8 Assistant to configure, manage and operate Names Servers. Names Servers are used by Oracle Names to store service names and addresses. Clients and servers locate and retrieve information from Names Servers through a process called discovery. Click on the following to learn more about:
(PROTOCOL=<Protocol Name>)(HOST=<Hostname>)(PORT=<PortNumber>)
Creating a Names Server To create a Names Server on this node:
Reloading All Names Servers To reload information from a region database to all available Names Servers, select Reload All Names Servers from the FILE menu. Back to "Using Oracle Names Servers"
Navigating Oracle Names Servers Configuration and Management Options With the Oracle Names Server folder active, you may use the pull down menu on the right hand side screen to select from a list of available functions including:
Manage Server The Manage Server pull down option allows you to manage Names Servers. It allows you to monitor and control a Names Server. It also allows you to set or show parameters for tuning, logging, tracing and forwarding information between Names Servers. Click on any one of the following to learn more about:
Manage Data The Manage Data pull down option allows you to query or update address records, aliases, database links, and any other specify record type in a Names Server. It also allows you to modify the topology of a Names Server, delegate domains, and provide domain hints. Click on any one of the following to learn more about:
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